LPIC-2 is the advanced certification of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). Experienced system administrators can use it to prove their knowledge and to demonstrate that they have a thorough understanding of many topics concerning the configuration and operation of Linux systems and the most important network services.

The tuxcademy project offers a full portfolio of training materials for the LPI exams 201 and 202, both of which are mandatory to gain an LPIC-2 certificate. For readers who are interested in the subject matter but do not pursue certification, the materials treat concrete topics and often transcend the mandatory minimum content to add important information that is useful in actual practice but not covered by the LPI exams.

Important: We are working on offering these materials in English, but most are available in German only for now. Sorry. If you want to help then do get in touch!

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  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    The server move is now finished! All seems to have gone well. More info in https://t.co/VdBdwccZVY!
    5 years, 9 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    #tuxcademy will be moving servers this weekend. There may be outages, but we'll be trying to keep them brief. Sorry for any inconvenience!
    5 years, 9 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    Nearly 7000 downloads in August! That's a new record.
    6 years, 1 month ago