About Us

tuxcademy was founded in 2015 after the dissolution of Linup Front GmbH, a leading German provider of Linux and open-source training materials and instructor services. Its goal is to keep Linup Front's training materials available and improve upon them.

The tuxcademy training materials are available free of charge under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA licence. This means you may use them freely (even to teach commercial classes) as long as you keep our copyright notices intact (“attribution”). In addition, you are free to adapt and change them according to your preferences as long as you make the results available under the same licence (“share-alike”).

We would love to hear from you if you have corrections or suggestions for improvement. Even better, become a tuxcademy contributor and help us make our training materials the best there are.

Recent Tweets

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    The server move is now finished! All seems to have gone well. More info in https://t.co/VdBdwccZVY!
    5 years, 6 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    #tuxcademy will be moving servers this weekend. There may be outages, but we'll be trying to keep them brief. Sorry for any inconvenience!
    5 years, 6 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    Nearly 7000 downloads in August! That's a new record.
    5 years, 10 months ago