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Anselm Lingnau
Bahnweg 71
55129 Mainz
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The contents and works created by us and displayed here are subject to German copyright law. Contributions by third parties are marked as such. Any copying, distribution, or other type of exploitation beyond the confines of copyright law require written permission by the author.

We aim to respect the copyrights of others, and to use materials that we create ourselves, or that are freely available.

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The terms listed here are considered part of the web pages referring to them. Should anything on this page not correspond, or not completely correspond, with applicable law, the rest of the content shall remain in force.


Recent Tweets

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    The server move is now finished! All seems to have gone well. More info in!
    5 years, 6 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    #tuxcademy will be moving servers this weekend. There may be outages, but we'll be trying to keep them brief. Sorry for any inconvenience!
    5 years, 6 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    Nearly 7000 downloads in August! That's a new record.
    5 years, 10 months ago