Linux Essentials

Linux Essentials is a new certification from the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) geared especially towards schools and universities which introduce young people to Linux. The Linux Essentials certificate defines the basic knowledge required to use a Linux computer productively, and an associated educational programme will help young people and newcomers to open source to understand Linux and open source within the context of the ICT industry. More information on Linux Essentials is available from

Recent Tweets

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    The server move is now finished! All seems to have gone well. More info in!
    5 years, 6 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    #tuxcademy will be moving servers this weekend. There may be outages, but we'll be trying to keep them brief. Sorry for any inconvenience!
    5 years, 6 months ago

  • tuxcademy

    tuxcademy @tuxcademy

    Nearly 7000 downloads in August! That's a new record.
    5 years, 10 months ago